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Cameron Goold

Line Producer:

Harrison Mark


Deus Ex Machina

Production Company:

Mojave Productions

Executive Producer:

Dustin Humphrey

LLorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus facilisis, eros a fermentum tristique, nulla justo tincidunt risus, id fermentum lacus ligula vitae eros. [Lincoln needs to update this copy]. Sed sit amet pulvinar ex, ut vehicula elit. Proin accumsan dapibus velit, nec fermentum enim venenatis nec. Nullam non magna ligula. Suspendisse potenti.

Forrest Minchinton was raised by the desert. Growing up in Huntington Beach, CA, Forrest and his surfboard shaper dad - Mike - took every chance they got to head out to the Mojave desert. There, on a remote compound constructed from objects lost and found, Forrest learned to ride motorcycles, shape surfboards, and see the world through a different lens.

Deus Ex Machina Painted in Dust

Selected stills:


Deus Ex Machina


Short Film

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